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NTA JEE - Advanced 2022

Important points of JEE Advanced- 2022 Examination:

  1. JEE Advanced 2022 is a national level examination which is a computer based test (CBT).
  2. Candidates those are among the top 2,50,000 rankers in JEE Main 2022 from all categories will be eligible to appear for JEE Advanced examination 2022.
  3. Now the reservation for PwD candidates is 5%.
  4. Aspirants will have to attempt two papers of JEE Advanced 2022 โ€“ Paper I and II, And both papers are compulsory.
  5. Duration of each paper is 3 hours long and there will be only one slot for each paper.
  6. The subject will be Physics, Chemistry and Math for entrance examination.
  7. The Nature of questions will be multiple choices (MCQ), numerical and list match sets.
  8. There may be some questions which will have multiple correct options. For these kind of questions, the aspirant will have to select all of the correct options from list to get the marks. Partial marks will be given if only one or few of the right options will be selected. In case of no attempt, student will get zero marks.
  9. ย The language of the examination will be English and Hindi. Students have to select their preferred language during registration, and selected language will not be changed later.
  10. One of the most dynamic feature of JEE Advanced exam pattern is that, the total number of questions will remains the same (54 questions for every paper), but the total marks of the examination is open to change.

JEE Advanced 2022 Eligibility Criteria

Aspirants are required to meet all of the five eligibility criteria given by the authorities. Those candidates, who are not able to meet the criteria, will be disqualified from the admission procedure.

Performance in JEE Main 2022:

It is mandatory for the entrants to qualify JEE Main 2022 (Paper 1) and have to be among top 250,000 candidates (including all categories). The categories will be divided as follows:

GEN-EWS- 10%
OBC-NCL- 27%
SC- 15%
ST- 7.5%
Open to all- 40.5%
PwD- 5% in all 5 categories

Number of attempts:
  • The maximum number of attempts for JEE Advances are two in two consecutive years.

Age Limit:
  • Candidates born on or after October 1, 1997, are eligible to appear for JEE Advanced- 2022 exam. However, candidates belonging to SC, ST, or PwD get 5 years of relaxation.
Appearance in 12th or equivalent Qualifying Examination
  • ย Applicants has to appear for the 12th or equivalent examination for the first time in either year 2021/2022, with physics, chemistry and maths as compulsory subject.
  • Candidates, whose 10+2 or equivalent examination result for the year 2019-2020 were announced on/after October 15, 2020, they are also eligible to appear for JEE Advanced 2020.
Earlier Admissions at IITs:
  • The Candidate must not have been admitted in any IIT earlier or accepted the IIT seat by reporting at the reporting centre in the past. Candidates, whose admission at IITs was cancelled, they are also not eligible to apply for JEE Advanced 2022.
  • Candidates who have participated to a preparatory program in any of the IITs for the first time in 2021, they are eligible for JEE Advanced 2022.
  • Candidates, who have paid the seat acceptance fee but not enrolled for the program are eligible to participate for the JEE Advanced 2022.
Performance in 10+2 or Equivalent Examination:
  • To participate for the JEE-Advance exam 2022, Aspirant must have cleared 10+2 or equivalent examination.
  • Candidates should be in top 20 percentile (category-wise) of the qualified candidates in their 10+2 or equivalent examination.
  • To calculating aggregate marks, scores of Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Language and any one other subjects marks should be taken into account.

JEE Advances 2022 Exam Pattern

Paper pattern:



Date of Exam

3 July, 2022

Mode of Exam

Online mode (computer based test).

No. of Papers

Two papers (Paper I & II). Both papers are compulsory.


Have to attempt both (Paper 1 & 2) papers


English & Hindi

Exam Duration

3 hours

4 Hours for PwD Candidates

Type of Questions

Objective type (multiple choice and numerical answer type).


Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics (P,C,M)

Important dates For JEE Advanced 2022



Online Registration Starts from

June 8, 2022 (10:00 a.m. onwards)

Online Registration Closes on

June 15, 2022 (till 5:00 p.m.)

Download Admit Cards from

June 27- July 3, 2022

Date of JEE Advancedย  Paper 1 & Paper 2

July 3, 2022

Paper I- 9:00 to 12:00 (Session I)

Paper II 14:30 to 17:30 (Session II)

Availability of Candidatesโ€™ Response Sheet

July 7, 2022

Provisional Answer Key for JEE Advanced

July 9, 2022

Last Date to Raise Objection Against Provisional Answer Key

July 10, 2022 (5:00 p.m.)

Declaration of Final Answer and Result

July 18, 2022

AAT Registration (JEE Advanced 2022)

July 18 to 19, 2022

AATย  (JEE Advanced 2022)

July 21, 2022

ย AAT result (JEE Advanced 2022)

July 24, 2022

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Created By Mayank Punetha